Pancakes + Starting the day off right.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Not only because bacon is incredible or because there's an excuse to drown everything in liquid sugar, but because it's an opportunity to start the day off right. You can whip up creativity, relax with a coffee, or even trigger your sweet tooth. Everyday is a new chance. Start with breakfast, and add a little sugar.

Usually with food styling, there's not much left that's edible after a shoot. I'm so glad to say that I was able to eat these gluten-free, raspberry, pistachio, cocoa-almond pancakes after photographing them. I hope you can enjoy the images as much as I enjoyed shooting and eating them.

The farthest west I've ever been + A photographic adventure.

Here depicts my photographic adventure of almost 2,000 miles.


St. Louis, Missouri > Phoenix, Arizona > Los Angeles, Malibu and Venice, California.

<<All photographs of me were taken by either Carroll Keane III or Aaron Kaskowitz. Thanks for letting me get in some photos too. The group photo was taken by a random stranger, who I trusted with my camera.>>

A Profile: Flowers + Weeds

Since moving to St. Louis, I've been dedicated to diving into the culture here. From pizza and coffee, to antiques and music, to baseball and hockey, to jazz and blues, the soil of this town is rich with culture.

One of my favorite areas of the city that is flowering into a beautiful community is Cherokee St. Much of the culture is growing there.

Flowers and Weeds, an enchanted garden boutique, floral design studio and urban flower farm, is in the heart of this community, located in the Heirloom Room.

Jessica Douglass, the owner and designer, said on her site, "We love making unique designs for the home or the garden.  Some of our favorites to design with include: houseplants, mosses, (tilandsia or air plants) succulents, and of course cut flowers!"

Flowers and Weeds specializes in blooms grown without harsh chemicals. Terrarium necessities like mosses, ferns, twigs and rocks are foraged from the wild in Missouri.

Jessica says they are, " thoughtfully arranged in upcycled and unique glass to create living works of art."

I am very grateful to have photographed Flowers and Weeds to share the beauty growing in St. Louis.